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Tactical Response Reports Overview

What will you find here? 

When a member of the Chicago Police Department (CPD) uses policy-defined force against an individual, when an individual alleges that they were injured by a CPD member, or when a CPD member is injured in an interaction with an individual, CPD members are required to complete a Tactical Response Report (TRR). 

This dashboard displays the number of TRRs completed by time frame, location, and subject and CPD member demographics. For every TRR incident, CPD requires the completion of a separate TRR for each involved CPD member and each individual subject; therefore, the number of TRRs completed is higher than the number of total incidents reported.  

Questions that can be answered by this dashboard include: 

  • How many reported incidents involved taser discharge from a white CPD member in the past year? 
  • How has the trend of TRR incidents changed in the past five years? 
  • What CPD member positions are most commonly involved in TRRs? 

To view specific definitions and criteria, click here to view CPD’s TRR form. 

Data Sources 

All information presented in these dashboards is based on data stored in CPD databases and Chicago Integrated Personnel and Payroll Systems (CHIPPS), the City’s human resources information system. Records begin January 1, 2015, and the data is typically refreshed daily between 4:00PM and 11:59PM CST. Data represents the information that is in the CPD databases as of the date of last update (listed in the top right corner of the dashboards). TRRs provide details of incidents as reported by CPD members. The information in these dashboards only includes data from completed TRRs that indicate an individual was involved as a subject and that have a status of Approved, Submitted, or Preliminary. Incidents with multiple TRRs are identified by matching CPD Records Division (RD) Numbers, incident locations, and incident times across TRRs. Population data is from US Census Bureau 2017-2021 American Community Surveyestimates and is aggregated by geographic area based on each area’s geographic intersection with census tracts.